The villa is located in an elegant and peaceful area in the city centre, surrounded by notable streets such as Porta Pia, via Boncompagni, via Bissolati and via XX Settembre. Since early Roman times, the Sallustiano district has been one of the most elegant and prestigious areas in Rome.The property is not part of the restricted traffic zone and easily accessible by all modes of transportation.

The district was named after senator Sallust, who constructed the building in the first century BC. After his passing, the Roman Imperial Family claimed the property and it quickly became the favourite residence to a long line of emperors. Following suit, high-profile nobility of the 19th century chose this area to build their residences.

Most notably, the Boncompagni family, and even Pauline Bonaparte used to live here.

Open space offices where space is not a limit, but a possibility. Thanks to the elegant glass partitions, aesthetics go hand in hand with functionality and every need finds its place.